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Home » Bacon Funny » 37 Funny Bacon Memes for 2025

37 Funny Bacon Memes for 2025

When we’re not busy eating or cooking bacon, we love reading memes about bacon! We hope this collection of funny bacon jokes brightens your day and brings you a smile.

By the way, if bacon and laughing are two of your favorite things, you’ll love our roundup of bacon puns, quotes about bacon and the Original Maple Bacon Dog video.

1. Bacon Salad Meme

There’s nothing like a nice green salad to make a person feel healthy and virtuous. Finally, someone got the lettuce to bacon ratio just right! This meme was created at

2. Turkey Bacon Meme

A turkey covered with a bacon weave and text: The only kind of turkey bacon that I will accept.

Not a fan of turkey bacon? This bacon-wrapped turkey meme might change your mind. Thanksgiving leftovers never looked so good!

3. I Love Bacon Meme

A bacon background and text: I love bacon because I can wrap it around anything. Basically it's the duct tape of food.

Bacon and duct tape are two products we always keep on hand!

4. Rare Sighting

A plate of bacon with text: Leftover bacon? LOL that's up there with unicorns and leprechauns.

Bigfoot was once reported to have been seen in the woods of with a plate of leftover bacon, but this claim has never been substantiated.

5. Thank you, Tinder!

A plate of bacon and text: My Dating App Matched Me With Bacon

I guess the Law of Attraction really does work! And speaking of attraction, maybe we should have tried this dating tactic:

6. Irresistible Bacon

A vintage photo of a man and woman and text: Laura rubbed bacon all over herself before every date. Laura was a genius.

7. Relationship Goals Meme

A bacon background and text: I want someone to look at me the way I look at bacon.

We can always dream, right? If only bacon wasn’t so irresistible.

8. Bacon Tacos Meme

Just when you thought tacos couldn't get any better.... BACON! with a taco made from bacon.

Taco Tuesday will never be the same!

9. Bacon Grumpy Cat Meme

Grumpy cat with text: My favorite vegetable? BACON

Who could argue with that face? The Grumpy Cat meme is from Meme Generator.

10. I Don’t Always Eat Bacon Meme

A distinguished man with text: I don't always eat bacon, but when I do I put extra bacon on my bacon

The most interesting man in the world weighs in on bacon, from the DIYLOL meme generator.

11. Love Is In the Air

A dog with his eyes closed sniffing the air and text: Love is in the air, or is that bacon?

Either way, what the world needs now is bacon, sweet bacon.

12. Bacon Crunches Meme

Text only: If by "crunches" you mean the sound bacon makes when you eat it, then yes I do crunches.

It’s great that you’re into fitness! Speaking of which…

13. Fitness Bacon Meme

A large buffet dish of bacon and text: Yeah I'm into fitness - fitness bacon in my mouth.

So good! This meme was created on

14. Jim Gaffigan Bacon Meme

A picture of comedian Jim Gaffigan and text: "Do you want to know how good bacon is? To improve other food, they wrap it in bacon!"

Just one of the 1,001 reasons we LOVE bacon!

15. But We’re Not Average People

A large pile of bacon and text: "The average person eats bacon 18 times a year. The average person can do much better."

18 times a year? BENSA members have been known to eat bacon 18 times a day! And speaking of eating…

16. Gluten Free Salad Meme

A pile of bacon and text: Low-carb paleo gluten-free salad

We feel healthier already!

17. Salty Bacon Meme

Bacon cooking in a skillet and text: Bacon is 73% fat and very salty. Me too bacon, Me Too.

18. Yoda Bacon Meme

Yoda with his eyes closed facing up and text: Smell bacon, I do.

Eat bacon, we will!

19. Never Too Much

A tall cheeseburger packed with eight pieces of bacon and one lettuce leaf and text: Be honest. Is this too much lettuce?

It’s important to get the bacon cheeseburger ingredient ratio just right, and we think they nailed it!

20. Kevin Bacon Meme

A picture of Kevin Bacon holding a plate of bacon and text: Either you love Bacon or you're wrong.

Double the Bacon! It wouldn’t be a true bacon meme roundup without at least one Kevin Bacon meme, right? This one was posted on ImgFlip.

21. Essential Oils Meme

A sign which reads: My favorite essential oil is bacon grease

We love the famous sign at El Arroyo, a restaurant in Austin, TX known as much for its witty signs as its delicious Mexican food.

22. What I Really, Really Want

A bacon background and text: I just want abs...  ...olutely all the bacon.

23. What is that Catalizing Aroma?

Five cats looking inside a glass door and text: When you smell bacon from the house next door.

24. Say Waaaaht?

A baby frowning and text:  What do you mean we're out of bacon

25. It’s All About Perspective

A jar of candied bacon and text:  Half full or half empty? How cares, it's a jar of BACON.

26. Sharing is Overrated

A bacon background and text:  There is no "we" in bacon. So don't even ask.

27. Hey Girl Bacon Meme

A picture of Ryan Gosling and text:  Hey Girl, I made bacon.

No meme collection would be complete without a Ryan Gosling meme. And he made bacon! What a dream. This meme appeared on MemeGenerator.

28. Spring Ahead

A strip of bacon and text: Daylight Savings just means the bacon comes an hour earlier

29. Ron Swanson Bacon Meme

Ron Swanson and text: One does not simply not eat bacon

From our favorite bacon lover on Parks & Rec, wise words from Ron Swanson. This appeared on Quickmeme.

30. Did I Just Hear What I Think I Heard?

A funny looking white dog and text: Wait, what? Did you say bacon?

The only thing better than a funny bacon meme is a funny bacon meme with a funny dog! Right? Case in point:

31. Bacon Chef Dog Meme

A dog with a chef hat and text: My recipe calls for 2 cups of bacon, 1/4 teaspoon of bacon, and a dash of bacon.

Maybe he should cook some woofles to go with his bacon!

32. Sir Francis Weighs In

Sir Frances Bacon and text: Knowledge is power. France is Bacon.

Um… whaaaat?

33. Email or Bacon?

A car vent control with confusing graphics and text: Not sure whether to set this thing to Email or Bacon

You’ll never look at your car’s vent settings quite the same way again after seeing this meme from Cy_Fry at Memedroid.

34. Bacon is Love Meme

A pile of bacon bits in a heart-shaped pile and text: Bacon Is Love You Can Eat

So true! When you’re a bacon lover, it’s like Valentine’s Day 365 days a year. Meme created by IWIBOD.

35. Words to Live By!

A large dish of bacon with text: Life is uncertain. Eat bacon today.

36. The Best Part of Every Day…

A boy looking excited and text: Waking up to the smell of Bacon - OH BOY!

37. Who Needs a 401K?

A plate of bacon and "Yes I do have a retirement plan. I plan to eat bacon."

Did we miss any of your favorite memes? If so, please contact us so we can include them on our list.

For more fun with bacon, be sure to check out our Bacon Gift Guide!

-Your friends at BENSA

This roundup was originally posted on July 19, 2021 and was most recently updated on December 10, 2024.

P.S. Here’s a handy pin to save to Pinterest. For more laughs be sure to check out our Bacon Memes and Humor board, and follow BENSA for the largest collection of Bacon Recipes!

We have provided attribution when available. Photos may be subject to coyright. For credit or corrections, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll make updates promptly.

eliza cross

About Eliza & BENSA

BENSA was founded by bacon enthusiast Eliza Cross, author of more than a dozen cookbooks. She has written three bacon cookbooks including the award-winning Bacon Beans and Beer, the bestselling 101 Things to Do With Bacon, and the popular sequel 101 More Things to Do With Bacon. Learn more about BENSA...

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BENSA as seen in Southern Living, Men's Health, The Denver Post, Daily Meal and other media.